Urban Farm Spindletop Greenhouse

Pro-Vision School and Vision Academy

Pro-Vision School and Vision Academy has offered students from the Sunnyside neighborhood of southeast Houston the guidance and support they need to realize their full potential, academically, morally and spiritually. Pro-Vision is an Open Enrollment Charter School for middle and high-school aged boys and girls who are the most vulnerable to the negative forces that continue to undermine their community.

Pro-Vision School and Vision Academy has offered students from the Sunnyside neighborhood of southeast Houston the guidance and support they need to realize their full potential, academically, morally and spiritually. Pro-Vision is an Open Enrollment Charter School  for middle and high-school aged boys and girls who are the most vulnerable to the negative forces that continue to undermine their community. (40% of individuals living in this neighborhood do not graduate from high school.)  The average student entering Pro-Vision is 2-3 grade levels behind in math and reading, has a history of disruptive behavior at school and at home, and is being raised by a single mother who makes an average of $18,000 a year. In addition to excelling the academic abilities of these students, Pro-Vision has developed a variety of programs that address the root causes of the despair that continues to have a powerful grip on the lives of these children. Such programs include its job enterprise academy which teaches labor skills and provides internships to improve vocational or technical training. 90% of Pro-Vision graduates go on to graduate from high school and 97% have either enrolled in college, joined the military or found gainful fulltime employment.

Spindletop has supported the Pro-Vision Urban Farm, which is located on campus where students are taught a number of life skills such as marketing, sustainable land use, design, nutrition and giving back to their community.  In 2015, the $50,000 Spindletop Greenhouse was built to enhance the urban farm project. We have also provided donations for the Pro-Vision Project 180, a reading intervention program to increase the reading comprehensive levels of the students.

For more Information: www.provision-inc.org

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