In 1984 Spindletop received a generous gift of property in Harris County which included a 15,500 square-foot warehouse/office facility along with an acre an acre of land. After a study was conducted, the Spindletop Board of Trustees concluded that a comprehensive residential treatment center was needed in Harris County for teenagers who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and trying to stay clean and sober. Odyssey House was a successful national model so Spindletop donated the property and Odyssey House – Houston became the first of its kind in the State. After Spindletop and participating oil and gas companies completed the needed improvements, its doors finally opened in 1988, serving 20 young individuals. Today, 30 years later, Odyssey House remains one of the few long-term residential treatment facilities in Texas that provides service to teens and their families on a sliding scale. In addition to the property, Spindletop has donated more than $600,000 over the years to support the success of Odyssey House, which is now an adolescent program of Cenikor Foundation.
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