Houston Achievement Place

With the motto of “Kids Come First,” Houston Achievement Place (HAP) provides safe, loving, skilled parental care in therapeutic homes to children ages 2 to 17, who have been victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. HAP understands the importance of children building the skills and relationships needed to succeed in school, at home and in the community. Spindletop has proudly supported HAP’s Project CLASS over the years, which teaches core building block social skills to children ages 3-5 & 6-12. On a daily basis, Project CLASS serves 32,000 children, 4,000 teachers, 2,000 parents and 60+ elementary schools and early childhood centers.

Project CLASS is currently launching a new Animated Children’s Books Digital Initiative. These are children’s books that focus on core-foundation social skills development for children 3 to 8 years old. Michael Gets Mad is the first book offering and focuses on anger awareness and calming down to make good choices. Spindletop has underwritten the printing of this book as well as the animation and Parent & Educator Guide. The next two books are underway and will focus on how to pay attention, follow instructions, accept no, accept feedback, and use eye contact.

For more information: www.hapkids.org.

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