
2006 Commendation for Meritorious Service presented by Houston Independent School District

The Commendation for Meritorious Service Award was presented to Spindletop and the Texas Rangers, Co. ‘A’ for their partnership in purchasing books for the HISD EvenStart Program.  This national literacy program is designed to break the cycle of poverty through early-childhood education. Pictured with the HISD Foundation representatives are Texas Rangers L.C. Wilson and Tony

The Commendation for Meritorious Service Award was presented to Spindletop and the Texas Rangers, Co. ‘A’ for their partnership in purchasing books for the HISD EvenStart Program.  This national literacy program is designed to break the cycle of poverty through early-childhood education. Pictured with the HISD Foundation representatives are Texas Rangers L.C. Wilson and Tony Leal, and Spindletop representative Constance White.

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